Tectonic plates map worksheet
About maps Teaching worksheets

Last week we made map colouring pages. This week, we're continuing the educational mapping worksheet idea with a scientific angle. What do earthquakes, volcanoes and mountains have in common? Indeed. They all exist or happen along the edges of tectonic plates. Tectonic plates are fascinating. They make up the entire crust of the earth, fitting together like a giant puzzle. These plates are continually moving, scraping against each other, spreading apart or colliding. Earth's geography changes as this movement creates new ocean floor, mountain ranges and active volcanoes. This printable worksheet has a map with all the tectonic plates...
Map colouring pages for kids
About maps Teaching worksheets

In these uncertain days, many of us are spending a lot of time inside. It can be challenging to ward off boredom, keep children engaged and learning a bit of something. So in the spirit of having fun and learning at the same time, we've made a series of printable colouring maps! Each colouring map file has a blank map for colouring and labelling, a map guide with all countries labelled as well as their abbreviations and a list of different ideas for using the colouring maps in a variety of ways. Grab a copy of Europe , Canada ,...
The Anatomy of a Map

A map is composed of many layers of information, each displaying different geographic features. This is literal as well as figurative because at the very beginning of a map's creation, its spatial data is divided up into many separate files. The files are imported into mapping software where they are displayed in a layered fashion, one on top of the other. Layer order is important. To ensure the features display correctly, are not obliterated or overprinted, careful organization is necessary. There are two data types maps are made with: vector and raster. VECTOR: editable points, lines and areas all containing...
What is a thematic map?

There are many types of maps. Maps have been designed with specific uses in mind since the earliest cartographers began mapping earth centuries and centuries ago. Planisphere by Rumold Mercator 1587 In fundamental ways maps began as a means of understanding the lands and waterbodies that comprised the world, charting exploration and discoveries of previously unknown places, and defining a nation's imperialistic extents. Map of Ancient Germany - Edward Wells 1700 Over time maps have changed and expanded the way we interpret information about what happens all around us. Maps that display a singular topic are known as thematic maps....
Mapping Caldecott Medal Winners
Special interest maps Thematic Maps

Jump to map Books were an enormous part of my childhood. In our house there was an embargo on television. My siblings and I didn't grow up with it. It was instilled in us to 'create our own fun' and to amuse ourselves with the time that was ours. This often meant we had our noses in books. And from a young age we could be found lolling on the carpet, sofa or bed with one open in front of us, engrossed in far away lands, deep imaginings and absorbing illustrations. Many of the children's books I read as a...